You’re Invited to the Second City Center Regional Area Plan Community Workshop!
Are you a resident, business owner, employee, or property owner near the intersection of McCarty Ln & Rattler Rd? (See map for reference). We know there are many new and existing neighborhoods, jobs, and schools in and around this area and planning for your needs is important. The city is currently working on a Second City Center Regional Plan for this area, and we want to hear from you!
You’re invited to a Community Workshop to to take a proactive role in planning for places to live and work in your area of town, and provide input on the types of services/businesses, parks, roadways, bike lanes, or trails you envision for the area! Visit the Community Workshop where you can provide your input from the area, explore ideas we’ve heard so far from the community, provide your comments, and learn how the plan will be used in the future!
Second City Center Community Workshop
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Second Baptist Church, 2377 Rattler Rd
5:30-8:00 PM | Come-and-Go Interactive Event
To learn more about input received so far on developing the plan, explore the project website. For additional questions, please email or call 512.393.8230
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