The perspectives of future generations in San Marcos are valuable to the Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan Rewrite project. As part of the project, we’d like to hear from younger generations on what they envision for the future of their community by showing their vision through art, essays, or poems!

Background for kids:

Take a moment to wonder about your community. Why are homes located in a specific area? Why are businesses or offices located in another? How did someone decide where the roads would go — and how many lanes each road would have? How much park or open space is available to play in? Can you easily walk to a bus or jump on a bike to get to your destination? These are questions that Planners and City leadership ask in order to ensure that communities are planned effectively. The goal of planning is to maximize the health, safety, and economic well-being of residents in ways that reflect the unique needs, desires, and culture of those who live and work within the community.

To achieve this, the City of San Marcos is seeking your input on your vision for the future of San Marcos! San Marcos is developing a long-range planning document called the Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan. Vision SMTX is a vision and policy document intended to guide the growth and evolution of San Marcos for the next 10-20 years. It includes the community’s vision for topics such as housing, transportation, arts and culture, land use, economic development, parks, community character, and others. Your voice is important in the project and we want to know what you envision for San Marcos.

Prompt: “Share your vision for what you would like San Marcos to look like in the future!”

  • Are there more parks?
  • Can you ride your bicycle there?
  • Where would you go to get ice cream?
  • How would you get from home to school?
  • What is missing in San Marcos currently that you would like to see in the future?

How to submit your vision:

  1. Download and complete the art template OR submit your own art, poem, or essay as a separate document.
  2. Complete the online submission form HERE. Submissions can also be dropped off at the Planning and Development Services Department located at 630 E Hopkins Street.
  3. Share your ideas with friends, family, or neighbors!

For questions, please email or call 512.393.8230

By completing the submission form, the parent or legal guardian of the child submitting, agrees to grant the City of San Marcos permission to share your child’s submission as part of the Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan Rewrite. You agree that any or all of the material submitted may be used as part of this public project for City publications, promotions, and any third-party media coverage as the department deems necessary. We will not share your personal information or last name, but will keep some information for our records so we can keep in touch with you about the project if you choose to receive project updates.